Loaning You Money To Pay Your Back Taxes
If you need money to pay your back taxes and stay in your home, the first thing you need to do is work out a payment plan with the County. If that fails, give us a call at (1-888) 642-2726, (210) 430-5200 to set up a no-obligation, free appointment as soon as possible. Please bring two things when you see us:

1. Your tax bill for the property and any other papers related to how much you owe. We need that because we will be researching the property and need as much information as possible to identify it in County records.
2. Your driver’s license for identification purposes.
When you are here for your first appointment, we will take information we need to start an investigation into your property. We will need to search County records for ownership, liens, and taxes due on the property in question. That should be done within a few days. After that, if it is in both of our best interests for us to loan money on your property, we will call you for a second appointment to finalize the loan and payment agreement. Once that is done, we will pay off the amount you owe to the County for back taxes and you will begin payments the next month—just as if you were buying a car or an appliance on payments.
We prefer to set up an automatic withdrawal from your checking account for your payments on a day certain in the beginning of the month. That way, you don’t have to worry about writing a check, mailing times or any other uncertainty in making your payments.
Purchasing Property You Just Don’t Want
We purchase property from owners who are about to lose the property because they can’t pay their County taxes. To be honest, this is a last resort for those who just want out and can’t sell because of the outstanding tax bill. If you are serious “Don’t Wanter” give us a call at (1-888) 642-2726, (210) 430-5200 to set up a no-obligation, free appointment as soon as possible. Bring the two items described above when you come.
At your first appointment, we will take information we start an investigation into your property by searching County records for ownership, liens, and taxes due on the property in question. After that, if it is in both of our best interests for us to buy your property, we will call you for a second appointment to finalize the sale. Once that is done, the back taxes become our responsibility and you walk away with the cash we pay for the property.