If you need money to pay your back taxes and stay in your home, you should first attempt to work out a payment plan with the county. If that fails, give us a call as soon as possible at (210) 430-5200 or (1-888) 642-2726 to schedule a no-obligation, free appointment to discuss your options. Please bring two things when you come to meet with us:
1. Your property tax bill and any other documents that may indicate how much money you owe. We need this documentation to properly research the property and identify it within county records.
2. Your driver’s license for identification purposes.

During your first appointment, we will collect all of the information we need to begin an investigation into your property and confirm the amount you may owe. As part of our research, we will search county records to identify who owns the property, as well as any liens or taxes due on the property in question. We can usually complete the investigation within a few days.
Following the investigation, if we determine that it is in both parties’ best interest for Mi Casa Financial to loan money in connection with your property, we will contact you to schedule a second appointment to finalize the loan and payment agreement. Once the paperwork is signed, we will pay off the amount you owe in back taxes to the county and you will begin payments the next month, just as if you were financing a car or appliance purchase.
For your payments, we prefer to set up an automatic withdrawal from your checking account on a consistent day at the beginning of every month. That way, you don’t have to worry about writing a check, postal issues, or any other uncertainty getting in the way of your making the payments.