We purchase property from owners who are about to lose their property because they cannot pay the back taxes they owe to the county. This option should be a last resort for owners who just want out and can’t sell the property through other means because of their outstanding tax bill. If you are serious about cutting ties with a dead-weight property, give us a call at (1-888) 642-2726 or (210) 430-5200, or email us directly at either richard@micasafinancial.com or jason@micasafinancial.com, to schedule a no-obligation, free appointment to discuss your options.
During your first appointment, we will collect the information we need to begin an investigation into your property by searching county records for ownership records, liens, and taxes due on the property in question. Following our due diligence, if we determine that it is in all parties’ best interest for us to buy your property, we will schedule a second appointment to finalize the sale. After the paperwork is signed, the back taxes become our responsibility and you walk away from the debt.